Saturday, December 9, 2017

That Easy Peace Boat Feeling

I visited the Osanbashi pier in Yokohama and found the place filled with people seeing the Peace Boat get underway. It was like a party, people were laughing, calling to their friends on the ship, music was playing; it was great!

What is the Peace Boat? Find out here  Peace_Boat

Here we go!

People were having a good time and I love a good time.

Manning the rails - of the pier that is.

She's getting underway!

Wave goodbye!

It's a beautiful day to get underway.

She's out in the harbor, turned around in the right direction and heading out to sea.


She's gone and I'm not so it's back to walking the streets looking for interesting things to photograph.

The painters are out in force today and they all seem to be pretty talented.

We're all well dressed around here.

Guess what?

I think that I'm blessed with an ability to find the simplest things to be interesting.

And, everyday people fascinating.

Yokohama is full of happy people.

Although, there are a few that are more serious than others.

The lamps along Yamashitakoendori are gas powered.

Eat on the street in China Town.

Smiling is infectious around here.

China Town is very photogenic.

So are the visitors.

A sunny autumn day in Yokohama park.

Riding off into the sun.

On another day with another ship in port the children are running wild.

It's so clear today one can see Mt Fuji trying to hide between the buildings.

The birds are back in town.

Fiddler in the park.

Birds sizing up their next victim.

Last shot of the day: Flowers on a street corner.

Thanks for stopping by!

Bonus shots!

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